Lessons in Meditation

A Comprehensive Approach

This course does not teach one specific meditation technique alone, but is an overview of best practices in meditation, so that you can customize your own practice. 

You do not need to belong to a particular faith or spiritual tradition to take part in these meditation lessons. Lessons in Meditation draws from the wisdom of multiple religious and spiritual sources.

All that is required is an open mind and heart in talking about the mystical and contemplative dimension of spirituality and meditation practice. 

Course Description

In these Lessons on Meditation, you will learn best practices for your own meditation. This will include:

  • Learn the foundations and purpose of meditation
  • Various “anchors” to use to concentrate the mind in meditation
  • Techniques before, during, and after meditation to open the heart and focus the mind.

Through the support of our large group gatherings, small group gatherings, and one-on-one conversations with Matt (and with your spiritual companion if you chose one), you will be given resources to continue to improve your own meditation practice.

Course Dates

The next Lessons in Meditation will take place in January 2025.

In church, we often pray, but how often have we learned to meditate? Our relationship with God can be thought of as a friendship. If prayer is talking to God, then meditation is listening to God. How can we best listen, given the realities of the monkey mind? And given our own imperfect meditation practice, how can we best share meditation with others and our churches?

Join Rev. Matt Carriker and others in the wider church on Zoom on Jan. 15, 22, 29, and Feb. 5, 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Three additional sessions (February 12, 19, 26) will be offered for those interested in The Teacher Training Option.

Register here.

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